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16230 2018-12-29T00:11:58 11
设计师: 瞿铁成
上海武夷路老洋房改造 -----大隐于市的影视工作室 ‘Artist’s studio in a Lane of Shanghai 在上海长宁区武夷路里弄深处,设计师希望为年青的艺术家提供一个具有诗意的、大隐于市的复合空间,来摆脱高密度、强压力的都市水泥森林。在这里可以感受到阳光、空气、树荫、鸟语、历史与空间;既是生活的居所,也是激发创作灵感的工作室,既可作为作品展示的空间,亦是朋友聚会、畅谈未来的空间;同时也作为一个实验性的项目,探讨在都市里老街区、老建筑的可持续性发展、更新利用、历史文化的延续和提升价值的多种可能性。 The project is designed to create a poetic and hybrid space in a old Lane area of Shanghai for young artists. As a big contrast with the high densed concrete high rize buildings in urban area, here people can feel sunshine, fresh air, trees, birds, history and nice space, it becomes the space for living, working, creating, displaying, discussing or even social gathering. At the same time it acts as an experimental project to explore the sustainable development of traditional district by renovation and to increase the value of properties by embrace the history rather than just to demolish them. 本着这样的设计理念,项目改造上海里弄里的一处老院子、老建筑成为艺术家工作、生活、商务、聚会融为一体的场所。整个空间布局保留了原来老上海花园洋房的主附楼布局,主楼前是院子,院子里保留了原有银杏树、桂花树、枇杷树等,增加了锦鲤鱼池、泡池、木平台、烧烤台、户外休息座、遮阳伞等;主附楼间设立了一个小天井,所有的空调外机、热水器都集中在这个天井里,并利用原来老房子里拆下的铸铁老浴缸种上了竹子巧妙地遮挡了设备天井,避免了设备对南花园的影响。主楼设有客厅、会议室、创作室、主卧、客房等,附楼设有厨房、餐厅、值班室等。 The project is located in the traditional lanes and alleys of Shanghai and the old house is about 70 years old. It has a main building of 2 floors and the annex building of 1 floor which is very typical plan of an old house in Shanghai before 1949. After renovation, in front of the main building is an original garden which keeps all the old trees but adding a koi fish pond, a bubble pool, wood deck and outdoor seating etc. Between the main building and annex building is a small courtyard which becomes a place to hide all the equipment of air-conditioner and stove. There are living room, meeting room, study room and bed rooms the main building, and kitchen, dining room and a guard room in the annex building.. 原来老房子的木结构由于年久失修好多已损坏,房屋也多处漏水且无保温系统,但设计师并没有用混凝土结构简单取代,而是像医生一样为老建筑做了仔细的手术,将损坏的木梁、木柱替换或加固,在屋顶和外墙重新做了保温与防水,外窗也作了节能的处理;改造之后的木结构体系全部外露,仍然保留着老建筑特有的风格,同时又能满足保温、节能、防水的要求。 The house structure is entirely wood, but the old wood structure was extensive damaged during the history, and it had no insulation and nor water proofing. The architect didn’t want to simply replace the old wood framing with concrete structure instead to treat it very carefully like a doctor to repair the wood structure, to add water proofing and insulation in the roof and exterior wall. As a result, after refurbishment, the wood structure which exposed intetionlly becomes strong enough, the wall and roof are all insulated and water proofed,more importantly it still reflects its original architectrure style. 室内设计试图与室外的景观、光线溶为一体,因此朝南立面全部设有大落地玻璃窗,已充分享受景观与阳光,其余的外墙因贴近周边居民小区仅开有少量窗户。室内设计尽量简洁,希望做到无装饰的装饰。室内材料运用了天然的木材、红砖与石材,所有的木结构与砖墙全部外露,展示出结构原有的美感与材料本身的质感与肌理。在设计与建造过程中,环保与可持续发展设计理念贯穿其中。原有的院墙由于年久失修表面已破损残缺,设计并未将其拆除或刷新处理,反而利用老房子里拆下的废弃木材做成木砖或木柱,在原来老的院墙外加了一层木格栅,木格栅里透出老的院墙肌理形成了一种的对话。原来老房子上拆下的老红砖、门窗五金构件、铸铁浴缸也被重新利用,反应了原来的历史与当地文化。 The interior gives the impression of being immersed in the landscape and natural light. The design is minimalism which tries to keep the design as simple as possible, decoration without decoration. The main materials are natural materials which are timber and brick. The wood framing and brick wall are all exposed so that it shows the beauty of structure and texture of the material. Attentions were given to the sustainability in design stage and during the construction phase. Those woods not in good condition for structure were salvagedto become the landscape wall of the garden. Some of the old materials in the original house were recycled and reused in the project, creating a new context and dialogue with local history and domestic culture. 在这个项目中,设计师不仅做了建筑、室内、景观的设计,更是领导了整个项目的选址、施工方的选择、材料的选择、施工质量的监控,历时一年多使得整个项目得到了完整的呈现。项目使原来已成危房的老建筑重新获得了新生,也给老的里弄街区带来了新的利用方式和生机。 In this projects, the designer not only completed the architecture, interior and landscape design, but also lead the project from site selection, contractor and meterials selections and inspection during the construction stage to ensure the correct direction and details. After about one year, the project was completed and provided new energy to the old area.






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  • 瞿铁成
  • 上海
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