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17903 2018-12-24T11:07:56 37
设计机构: 上海嘉展建筑装潢工程有限公司

Nanchang Cinema Project南昌影院项目

This concept design for a new Cinema in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province aims to create a very unique and outstanding in the entertaining panorama of the city.


The requirements from the clients guided the design in the direction of an ‘art deco’ typology.  The intention of the designer was to reinterpret this widely used style into a more contemporary and sensational design, still maintain a link to an art deco atmosphere expressed in the usage of the materials and color tones.


The entrance is a combination of a more back lit wooden part with a bit moved and colorful side to embrace its commercial function. The idea was to design something eye catching but in a quite settled way to enhance the contrast by slowly revealing the double height space of the lobby where the design expresses its potentials at its best surprising the users.

入口处是有背光的木质部分和灵动的彩色的边框结合而成,包含了商业用途的元素。 想法是设计一些吸引眼球的但又非常坚固的元素,带人们慢慢进入超高的大厅,形成强烈的视觉反差,从而给人以眼前一亮的感受。

The lobby space was a bit of a challenge due to its considerable small dimensions. The designer decided to work on its transversal side and placing at one end a double height back lit glass surface that by reflecting the space contributes to visually enlarge it.


On the other side mirrored is a big LED screen that stand as an ‘entertaining window’ to reveal digital contents and anything related to the cinematography giving the tenant a big wide range of flexibility.


The smooth and mirrored rounded end columns subdivide the space helping to frame the centrality of the selling tickets and f&B counter and dividing the space into 3 main sections that clearly organize the space and its functions: one with the main entrance and the counter, one with the resting area and an access to the main hall through the glass surface, one with the ticket machines and some entertaining devices. These column with the rounded ends have 2 functions: on top they make the space very smooth and consistent and at the same time they enclose very well the ceiling with its copper lighting devices that are very cinematographically and full of personality; on the bottom they separate the space and give a bit of privacy to its function and contribute to the whole feeling of unifying the lobby area in a same special treatment.


The top part of the columns are connected by long and slim wooden louvers that stand ideally like massive curtains. There are back lit to provide a stunning affect and a uniform smooth light to the space and evocate strongly memories of art deco architectures and interiors such a as train stations traditional public buildings.


Above the big LED screen, the designer used the same principle used in the double space lobby columns to carve a very smooth space to allocate the main access to the cinema halls, the access to the elevators and the emergency exit plus some hidden niches to hide some entertaining functions (massage chairs). This part is treated with the same enamel paint in sage green color that reflects the light coming from the back lit wooden wall in a very harmonious way. Copper and wooden details make the space more interesting and precious.


The access to the corridor reveal a link to the lobby space. Here the green enamel paint is predominant due also to budget limitation but the rounded treatment of the plasterboard and the irregular sequence of the wooden inserts make the space very vibrant and appealing. The other side has a strong contrast in the usage of material and design elements. It is a sequence of irregular and different arch openings that frame big and heavy petroleum blue colored curtains as covered in art deco pattern wall paper. The usage of the curtains as a predominant design element is a tribute to the old cinemas design. The entrance door is enlightened by big copper elements that have carved in and backlit the number of the halls.

走廊的入口和大厅相互衔接。绿色的烤漆是很重要的,取决于预算。但圆润的石膏板处理和不规则的木质材料的使用让这个区域充满活力和乐趣。另一边的材质和设计形成鲜明对比。一系列不规则的拱形门营造了巨大的厚重的石油色的幕布,覆盖在艺术装饰墙纸上。幕布帘的使用作为复古影院的重要设计元素。 入口门镶嵌在铜质元素中并且有背光打在放映厅的数字号码上。

A dark gray chunky stones terrazzo creates a strong contrast with the walls treatment and evens the long space of the corridor. The copper inserts are related to the walls design to tightly link it to them and to enhance its rhythm in the moment the user will walk through it.








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