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该项目背景原为浙江的千年古镇寿昌,老建德人都不会忘记浙江横山钢铁厂。它创建于1960年,是冶金部唯一定点的铬铁合金生产专业企业,第一批国有大型企业和国家“双保”企业,曾为我国的军事工业、钢铁工业、援外项目 、国际贸易和地方发展作出过巨大的贡献。2003年,盛极一时的横山钢铁厂正式宣告破产,自2013年以来,建德市抓住浙江省“三改一拆”行动开展契机,将改善横钢面貌、盘活存量资产与旧厂区改造工作相结合,以发展的思路重点整治、建设横钢区块,注入特色小镇活力,老横钢从此焕发出新的生机。 项目改扩建范围为横山钢铁厂食堂部分,应整体规划要求,改扩建项目需拆除、保留各一半;建筑师在初期思考阶段时,试图将《整合与共生》的设计理念带入进来,即保留原始中式建筑体态及悬山顶屋顶形态,白墙、灰砖等质感氛围,有意将新扩建部分的建筑体态及呈现氛围与其呼应协调,特别是把主入口顶部用现代感的钢架材质做成近似悬山顶的形态与其呼应,即达到了整合旧建筑的特质以新的元素呈现的共生原则,目的是为了保持原有建筑的环境和造型特点,也为了留住老建德人心中那份最初的怀念。 建筑师延续“共生思想”,不单单只考虑建筑本身的整合,也使“建筑与环境共生”,在建筑的东向及南向运用大面积玻璃元素,即增加了中式建筑的现代感也带来了充裕的光照,并且可以以更宽阔的视角欣赏丰富的公园绿景环境,以绿色环保的自然面貌展示;从整体基地平面规划来看,建筑师将新建主入口设置在马路东侧,同时也考虑到餐厅的来往人员及车辆问题,将建筑南向原局部绿地改为停车场及休闲广场,最大化满足人流及车流的缓冲空间; 改扩建项目因历史遗留问题,相关档案资料不够齐全,建筑师为使整体设计落地达到更好的效果,多次现场勘探并与相关工程技术人员、管理人员、领导人员现场沟通细节;为以最佳的效果呈现“小镇客厅”项目奠定了良好的基础。在项目诸多现场条件的限制中设计师努力保留了老建筑的原有历史记忆,体现了设计师的人文关怀和历史责任感。
The project was originally set in shouchang, a thousand-year old town in zhejiang province. Old jiande people will never forget hengshan iron and steel plant in zhejiang province. It was founded in 1960, is the ministry of metallurgy only designated ferrochrome alloy production professional enterprises, the first batch of large state-owned enterprises and the state "double guarantee" enterprises, has made great contributions to China's military industry, iron and steel industry, foreign aid projects, international trade and local development. Reached its zenith in 2003, hengshan steel mills to officially declare bankruptcy, since 2013, in zhejiang province jiande grasp "three a" action to carry out the opportunity, will improve the condition of horizontal steel and revitalize the stock of assets combined with old factory work, to develop the thinking of construction of key management, transverse steel blocks, inject features small town life, old transverse steel coruscate gives new life from now on. The scope of project reconstruction and expansion is the canteen of hengshan iron and steel plant. As required by the overall planning, the reconstruction and expansion project shall be dismantled and kept in half. Architects in thinking about the early stage, to the design concept of the integration and symbiosis into came in, which would hold the original Chinese style building posture and the hanging roof forms, such as white walls, grey brick texture atmosphere, is interested in this new extension building posture and rendering atmosphere and its echo coordination, especially the top of the main entrance, use modern approximation of the hanging steel material qualitative make it form and its echo, which meet the characteristics of the integration of the old building with new elements present principle of symbiosis, the purpose is to keep the original construction environment, and the characteristics of the modelling, also in order to retain the original miss old building heart hearts. Architects continue the idea of "symbiosis", not just only consider the integration of the building itself, also make the "symbiosis" buildings and environment, in the construction of the east and south to use elements of large area glass, which increase the construction of modern Chinese also brought plenty of light, and can be in a more broad perspective to appreciate the rich park green landscape environment, and to show the natural appearance of green environmental protection; From the perspective of the overall plan of the site, the architect set the new main entrance on the east side of the road, and also took into account the problem of people and vehicles in the restaurant, changed the original part of the green space in the south of the building into parking lot and leisure square, to maximize the buffer space to meet the flow of people and cars. Due to the problems left over from history, the relevant files and materials of the reconstruction and expansion project are not complete enough. In order to achieve a better effect of the overall design, the architect has conducted on-site exploration for many times and communicated with relevant engineers, technicians, managers and leaders on site about the details. For the best results to present the "town living room" project laid a good foundation. Limited by many on-site conditions of the project, the designer tries to retain the original historical memory of the old building, which reflects the designer's humanistic care and historical responsibility.
Communicate design plan with deputy secretary and deputy mayor of Jiande Municipal Party Committee of Aviation Town
Communicate with the secretary of the aviation town Shouchang Town
Interview with the deputy secretary of the Jiande Municipal Committee and the general manager of the Sai Bole Aviation Town
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