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29131 2018-12-24T15:43:28 101
设计机构: 上海嘉展建筑装潢工程有限公司

The space designated to allocate the lobby has an interesting double height in the middle. The challenge here was to crate therefore a space that would interact with this void.



The original space is quite stretched on its longitudinal side, creating the a long pass way that go tidying up itself before reaching the elevators. The design aimed to consider very carefully this double access situation trying to not hierarchize any of the access. The counter therefore becomes a very strong colonizing and iconic element that link the 2 access point (the one from the elevator and the one from the escalator).  It is a prism and sculptural element made of wood that allocates all the commercial functions and meanwhile becomes an interacting  public space that host the resting area and recreate an outdoor feeling in an indoor space on its top. It deals with the proportions of the double height and create interesting views from the second floor parapet, becoming  a very eye catching element for the lobby that varies its shape and perspective according to where from it is perceived and contemplate.



The requirement of the clients were to adopt a Scandinavian and green sustainable and yet industrial style. This is clearly reflected in the choice of materials that aim to create a very scenic and impacting environment. The background wall of the counter is a double height surface of river stone rocks framed into a metal net box. On top of this there is a structural layer of a metal frame and a a tie roads structure to sustain the wall and enhance the industrial character. The other wall is made of a metal frame tridimensional net structure that allocate some decorative units to bring a commercial feeling to the space. The discs are made of moss, cork and aqua green pvc light device. This area host another small resting area and the automatic machines to print the tickets. 根据客户要求,我们采用北欧风和绿色元素加之工业元素的设计风格。这完全反映在选材上,意在营造赏心悦目的视觉环境。 服务台的背景墙是两层高的用岩石覆盖表面,金属材质的网箱堆砌,表面是金属框架的结构层和一个连接件支撑整个墙面,加强工业风的设计特点。另一面墙体同样由金属框架构筑的三维网状结构组成,加上一些装饰部件,从而带给这个空间一些商业气息。前面的盘形由绿鲜植物、软木和浅绿色的发光体组成,这个区域又是一个精致的休息区并包括售票机。 


The ceiling and the floor use stone and natural materials  and are designed in an organic way to be integrated with the rest of the design in the name of consistency.



The main concept is to create a very unique experience for the users, making them feel they are in a comfortable and natural environment completely different from the surrounding space of the shopping mall but yet very familiar as being completely natural and organic as if it was almost a secret secluded place. As in the same way we feel when we go to watch a movie in the theater, we take time out of our reality and immerge ourselves in a story and a completely different situation visually and emotionally, in the same way this lobby space wants to create a new unique space and experience in the usage of the public commercial space.








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