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8386 2018-12-25T14:17:00 22
设计机构: MONOARCHI度向建筑












木屋部分分别为三个非同心圆构成: 悬挑在溪边的露台,两层客房部分,以及起伏的屋顶与顶层露台。平面形态则是一个简单的螺旋线,外墙环绕一圈融入室内,将盥洗室与步入夹层的楼梯从起居空间中剥离出来。每扇窗户都有一份特殊的室外景观,但最美妙的是爬到屋顶之巅享受山涧的自然气息。





屋顶的变化定义了室内外的视觉交流方式以及私密空间-公共空间的连续渐变图谱,当客人踏入首层露台开始,屋檐围绕露台的空间对应室内的功能展开360°的循环序列: 客厅-巨窗-大进深露台-掀开的屋顶为享受小溪和对面竹山风景的起点;卧室-长条低窗-下压的屋顶提供了保持睡姿的观景模式;开放式浴缸-侧面高窗保持了对外的私密性且满足对景观的向往;盥洗室的入口竖窗完全被屋顶所遮盖,在不影响自然通风的情况下保证了绝对的私密性;沿着旋转楼梯步入二层空间围坐在露台前,通过起伏的屋顶看到的是二百年的古树;这场居住体验的终点是由屋顶围合出的二层景观露台,喝茶静坐享受群山环抱。


This project is located in a rarely visited small mountain village at the foot of Siming Mountain, Yuyao, Zhejiang province. The village is on the edge of a secondary forest; a small river, dividing the village into two parts, slowly runs through from north to south. The tree villas are on the west bank of the lower stream. Atmosphere is tranquil and amiable there.

The principle of our design, which was established at the very beginning, is that buildings and their construction should have as little impact on the environment as possible. The gross building heightof each triangular tree villa is about 11 meters, roughly equal to that of an adult moso bamboo. Each tree villa is divided into upper and lower parts; the lower part consists of steel support columns, while the upper part is the wooden main structure. Given that the tree villas are located at the bottom of the hill, if the floor level is set too low, there will entail relatively large excavation; setting it too high, however, will increase investment and reduce economy. Finally, based on the angle of the hill slope, the floor level is set to 4.5 meters, and a sense of flotation can thus be created. Moreover, now that the steel columns are narrowed down to several points on the land, greater free space for ground activities is produced.


Timber Villa A

Two T- shaped crossed roofing of equilateral trianglesform the living space in the upper part (main body) of each villa. In order to get the best prospect, the four endpoints of the T - shaped space are all designed into glass, which can maximize its incorporation into the surrounding beauty.

Upon the choice of building materials, in order to get a better living experience, designers did not choose local moso bamboos. Rather, they decided to use more durable and pleasant wood. This choice not only maximizes the fusion between the villas and their environment, but also simplifies the construction due to the machinability of wooden materials, and further decreases the pressure caused by non-eco-friendly materials to the environment. With the lapse of time, tree villas—these artefacts—will slowly fade away, and leave no traces of construction in the future.



Timber Villa O

The design of the lower part of the orbicular villa has the same idea as that of the triangular tree villas—to minimize the influence on the surrounding environment by the virtue of the practicality of steel structure. The upper wooden part consists of three non-concentric circular parts: the terrace overhanging the stream, the two-story guest room, and the undulating roof and terrace. The roof and the walls are supported by fifty-seven giant trusses with gradual changes. The ostensibly soft roof not only helps outlining the elegant skyline, more importantly, it introduces the landscape into the room from window frames by virtue of the dynamic eaves; at the same time, the privacy of the rooms is also well kept. The plane shape is a simple spiral line, which separates the washroom and the stair that enters the interlayer from the living space. Each window has its own outdoor landscape, but the most wonderful thing is to climb to the top of the roof and enjoy the natural flavor emanating from the mountain stream.



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