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10907 2018-12-26T16:18:34 11 [佳作]
设计师: 钱松皓

走进位于上海法租界的老式里弄,顺着老木楼梯走到2楼。2楼这里原有的3居室,由D-Design进行改造设计为3室1厅的新居,在老洋房的基底纸上,重现Art Deco的装饰主义。与普通的商品房不同,老建筑中的空间格局与结构都有着浓烈的时代特征,新居的主要空间由原本的3户打通构成,3米左右的挑高与保留的老式钢窗给予两人广阔的施展空间。从门窗的线条展开发想,Alex确定了Art Deco的装饰风格。一字排开的3户,取中间一户作为客厅,一边做会客区域,另一边则为开放式厨房,加上3扇通往阳台的老式玻璃门,形成了一个从玄关—餐厨—阳台—客厅的回形动线。Art Deco风格对空间本身的要求很高,拥有一个可以施展的房子在现今的上海难能可贵,用装饰主义包裹空间,呈现出老洋房别样的美感。乍看之下,门中的“罗马柱”犹如墙面装饰图案的一部分,而推开门,有如走入画中一般。这3条“罗马柱”采用典型的Art Deco线条拼接,同样的处理还出现在客厅壁炉与主卧的门套上,这一变化多样又互相呼应的细节,让人每走进一个区域都能发现不同的惊喜。海派老建筑独有的挑高、门窗形态、格局特点,以及Art Deco风格的装饰线条在两人眼中不仅是建筑层面的特色,也在影响生活方式上有着潜移默化的作用。

Different from ordinary commercial houses, the space framework and structure of the old buildings have strong characteristics of the times, which has 3 households before but renovated as the only one. The height of 3 meters and the retaining old-fashioned steel windows give the two people a relax space. From the original window lines, Alex determined the decorative style as Art Deco. 3 households lined up in a row,the middle one was made as the living room, and seperated as one meeting area, and the other side is open kitchen, plus 3 old-fashioned glass doors leading to the balcony, forming a easy route from the entrance to  kitchen to balcony then back to the living room. The Art Deco style has a high demand for the space itself. It is very rare and valuable to do the interior design for the old apartment in French concession in Shanghai nowadays, decorated with ornamentalism concept and presents a different aesthetic of the old town house.At first glance, the roman columns in the door look like the decorated part of the wall , when push the door open,you feel like walking into a painting. The three roman columns are stitched with typical Art Deco lines, and the same treatments appear on the living room fireplace and the door of master bedroom. This varied and responsive detail allows everyone to walk into an area. The unique height of the old buildings, the shape of the doors and windows, the characteristics of the pattern, and the decorative lines of Art Deco style are not only the characteristics of the architectural level in the eyes of the two, but also have a subtle influence on lifestyle.





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