项目位于郑州新区“绿地新都会360广场” 的4楼南侧,属新区CBD地界,周围商务办公楼与居民较多。美食广场为周边的上班族和居民提供了一个面积较广的社交型餐饮空间。
从互联网世界中提取的对话框形式成为重要的设计元素之一,这也是组成项目名称:“好食@好物”的一部分。从平面规划入手,设计师把设计概念融入其中,打破传统美食市集的零碎,嘈杂和拥挤感, 把靠窗风景较好的区域规划为休闲用餐区,增加用户的用餐互动性和停留时间。针对空间规划和指引,设计师同样贯穿了对话框元素形成天花吊顶造型和地面材质造型来区分不同的功能区域。同时,过道中的柱状灯带和吊顶上的黄色亚克力灯柱代表了对话框中的文字,两者组合起到了一个自然的引导和分流作用。
空间中天花和地面之间白色的网格状结构是对应互联网的一个引申,由上及下相互传递着信息,也将空间紧凑巧妙的连接起来。 在这个社交型的餐饮空间里,为了营造享用美食的良好气氛,大部分的材料、颜色和都运用了暖色和明亮色系。配合绿植墙和藤编造型灯具,能让人能更加舒适放松的享用美食、相互交流、欣赏风景。
The project is located at the south side ,4th floor of XINTIAN 360 mall in Zhengzhou which is the new CBD district and is surrounded by office buildings and residential real estate. The food court provides a social dining space for surrounding officers and residents.
Based on the location of the project and the positioning of the marketing, the design team endowed this space with a new concept of social dining space. At the start of planning, the design aim to use internet culture elements into the daily life scene. By making the food court a place to gather relatives and friends , the space meanwhile break the barriers of people’s connection in-between internet , and create a real life relationship with food.
The dialogue box which is the most representative form of social network become the most important design elements throughout the space, which is part of the project name: "好食@好物" as well. In terms of layout planning, by integrating the concept, we trying to avoid the crowd and noisy environment of traditional food market , and place the dining area along window side with view in order to increase interaction and staying time of customers. The design also uses the concept form to shape the ceiling and the floor material which indicate different area function as the same time. The yellow acrylic and light tubes on the ceiling represent the text in the dialogue with the function of leading the direction of customer flow.
The white cubical metal structure dividers and white louver on the ceiling indicating the internet network connection which smartly link the space together. The major color scheme and material using are bright and warm. Decorating with green plants and woven pendant light, the space is designed as a relaxing , cozy and socialized dining environment.