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海南迎宾馆二期 Hainan Guest House No.2

72325 2019-06-14T19:11:26 31 [推荐]
设计机构: 上海赋翕装饰工程设计有限公司
海南迎宾馆二期 Hainan Guest House No.2说明:

海南迎宾馆二期Hainan Guest House No.2


设计主创:  胡成文(Anton) 徐嘉泽(Andy) 林宜瑜(Irene) 侯博训(Steven) 吴东翰(Alex)

作品主题:现代中式- 笔.墨.纸.砚

作品简介: 海南迎宾馆二期落于海口市国兴大道中部,毗邻省政府大楼,海南迎宾馆二期是一个商务、会议、宴会为一体的五星级酒店,酒店设有353间房间,整体占地面积约九万平方米。

The Building No.2 of Hainan Guest House is located in the middle of Guoxing Avenue,Haikou City, Hainan Province. The hotel is adjacent to Hainan provincial government building. It’s a five-star hotel has business, conference and banquet functions, with 353 guest rooms. The whole area of the building is about 90,000 square meters.

    ‘起’: 山,海 设计之初。整个迎宾馆二期以现代中式 作为基础,藉着海南当地的自然景观.山.海.天上的云彩 黎族文化加以提炼,升华作为整个篇章的- 序

‘Qi’(rising): mountain & sea.The concept idea of the project is begun with appearance of mountain and sea in Hainan. The natural beauty of Hainan landscape ( blue sea, blue sky, golden beach, and green forest, etc.……)are design elements of the project. It’s also incorporated local Li culture and modern Chinese style. All these elements are refined and sublimated into the whole project.

    承’: 笔.墨.纸.砚。华夏文明之所以那么有特别,是因为我中华民族拥有其比他民族更深邃的文化底蕴, 中华文化之所以波澜壮阔,缘起于象形文字的发明,在历史的长河中 透过(会意 形声 转注 假借), 因此也造就了流传千古的诗 词 歌 赋 以及著名的画作, 然而... 承载着这一切的根本- 笔.墨.纸.砚也体现于酒店中的各个角落,使得整个空间优雅而不失庄重.

‘Cheng’(Inheritance) – Pen, ink, paper, inkslab .Chinese civilization has profound cultural deposits than other nations. One of the profound cultural deposits is the invention of hieroglyphics. Chinese characterswere created through the translation of meaning, form and sound. The style and shapes of the Chinese characters and Chinese painting are adopted into every corner of the hotel, which make the space elegant and solemn.

    ‘转’ : 狂草, 张旭 狂放之美。张旭是一位纯粹的艺术家,他把满腔情感倾注在点画之间,旁若无人,如醉如痴,如癫如狂“喜怒、窘穷、忧悲、愉佚、怨恨、思慕、酣醉、无聊、不平,有动于心,必于草书焉发之。狂放不羁而- 百转千回....... 取其狂放于艺术的手法展现.

‘Zhuan’(Turning) – Cursive script.Beautiful cursive script of Zhang Xu. Zhang Xu is a pure Chinese cursive script artist. He puts his emotions into his dots and scripts. You can see his anger, poverty, sorrow, sorrow, loss, resentmentfrom his artworks. The wild characteristic, as a flow of wind, connects between spaces to spaces.

    ‘合’ : 艺术之美。全日餐厅(黎族文化与海上丝绸之路)以黎族船屋为概念,以海上丝绸之路比喻全日餐厅的美食,以形似鱼群般抽象的水晶玻璃叶片,营造出大量鱼群,相从、聚合、汇合之意。 宴会中心天花灯转化为雨后的池塘,壁灯比做黎族传统服饰中的头冠,装置艺术挂件意喻成群嬉戏的鱼群悠游于塘中,悠然而自得,时而分散 时而汇聚,意喻为(合),如同春夏秋冬相互间虽各异却也相融以沫,时而分散 时而汇聚- 意之为合.......

‘he’(Union): Art.All-day dining restaurant (Li Culture and Maritime Silk Road) is took the Li culture boat house interior into the restaurant ceiling. The crystal glass leaves are like abstract fish groups hanging in the ceiling. And, the maritime silk-road is a metaphor for the variety delicious food of the restaurant.

In banquet hall, the crystal glass ceiling decoration is like a pond after raining day. The large sconce lamp is metaphor for the crown of the traditional Li culture dress. The art works and décor some are placed dispersed and some are placed converges, like fish play in the pond. Also, as spring, summer, autumn and winter are different from each other, but also connect to each other. Sometimes scattered and sometimes converging are meaning for the union.
































12F 一号套房 二号套房 泳池区 健身房 洗浴区

12F 一号套房 二号套房 泳池区 健身房 洗浴区

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