项目位于“江城”武汉,一颗位于长江、汉水交汇之处的璀璨明珠。 设计师有感于武汉的人文,为盈盈流水呈现出的简洁洗练的美感所动,试图让项目留住当地人的水漾记忆,水滴湖面,形成微小暗涌,漾起层层晶莹的縠纹,设计师将其形态捕捉,化为灯带的艺术装置,以此作为空间韵律,无限延伸于空间。通过现代几何元素表达:流动与静止交织,时尚与传统融汇,精致与质朴的对比、创新与经典的碰撞……同时将建筑外立面的红砖元素引入室内空间。
Project Name: Sale Center of Wuhan Dahua Jin Xiu Ages
Area: 1400㎡
Date of Completion: June of 2019
The project is located in the "river city" of Wuhan, which city is a bright pearl at the intersection of the Yangtze river and the Han river. Inspired by Wuhan humanities and moved by the beauty of flowing water, the designer try to keep local water overflow water in our memory, by taking the element of the glittering water in the design transforming to lamps and art installation as rhythm extension in space. Through the modern geometric elements to express: interweave of flow and static, integration of fashion and tradition, contrast of delicate and simple, collision of innovation and classic...Meanwhile, the red brick elements of the building's facade are introduced into the interior space.
Mirror art printing glass ceiling depicts the cultural and architecture landscape of Wuhan. Each space connects with each other, walking in the space to experience the fun of trading the scenery with moving step.
With modern style, the project highlights the theme of natural humanity by collide of different materials, without too much multifarious decoration, but a few dashes of red and blue ornament space occasionally.