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上海黄浦湾公寓 ORANGE

15686 2019-12-27T22:12:48 11 [精品]
设计师: 蔓朵国际软装
上海黄浦湾公寓 ORANGE说明:

项目位于 上海黄浦湾公寓,整个软装设计围绕着爱马仕橙色展开,一个颜色能够打破沉闷,进行心灵的自由呼吸,也不乏成熟和稳重,他是时尚的宠儿,神秘的不着边际。爱马仕橙色极具冲击力,他的表现力站稳了自己的一席之地。时尚大胆·与众不同·始终不落入俗套。


The project is located in Huangpu Bay apartment in Shanghai. The whole soft decoration design revolves around Hermes orange. One color can break the dreariness and breathe freely in the heart. There is no lack of maturity and steadiness. He is the favorite of fashion and mysterious.

Hermes orange is very powerful, and his expressiveness has taken its place. Fashion, bold, different, never fall into the stereotype. Hermes orange, with both orange enthusiasm and red charm, the two want to match, people can not help but think of the quiet coast shrouded in the sunset glow in the evening, which reflects the shadow of palm trees, petrel gently passing brings a breath of deep sea, girls in floral pleated skirts are running and jumping happily, everything is so beautiful and poetic. Beige main sofa with cadmium orange single sofa, the color jump bright, with the color curtain complement each other, geometric pattern hanging painting angle to a certain extent for the whole space to bring a modern sense of fashion.



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  • 蔓朵国际软装
  • 上海
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