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带有春意的新杂志咖啡In the spring of the New Magazine coffee

15974 2019-12-28T16:58:22 16 [精品]
设计师: 黄一
带有春意的新杂志咖啡In the spring of the New Magazine coffee说明:


16世纪,随着宗教的传播,第一家咖啡馆在麦加建立,1650年欧洲的第一家咖啡馆于英国牛津大学建立, 2012年新杂志咖啡创始于中国南京。

In the 16th century, with the spread of religion, established the first cafe in mecca, Europe's first coffee shop in 1650 in Oxford University, new magazine coffee founding in nanjing in 2012.




Advent of a new magazine in 2013 coffee brand and design of a store, six years has not changed, has been in the business, as the new magazine team development, radiation whole of China, build new coffee chain development network, is predestined friends involved in the design of the head office of wuxi.



总店设计面积约600平米,根据经营求定位,分为CAFE和棋牌两大功能;设计风格上采用了清新自然的开放咖啡区和具有ARTDECO气质的棋牌区;设计元素则通过大自然的绿来烘托 “书”主题;店面由可开放式的玻璃门组成,玻璃上采用双面打印的图腾做视觉设计,图腾则是咖啡厅整个施工过程的照片所组成。

Head office design area of about 600 square meters, according to business positioning, divided into two big functions, CAFE and chess; Used on the design style of pure and fresh and natural open coffee area and a board with a ARTDECO quality area; Design elements are by nature's green foil "book" subject; Store is composed of can open the glass door, glass do visual design adopts double-sided printing totem, totem is the coffee shop photos of the whole process of construction.


Pushed open the door, indoor have very open space, the ceiling with a spell crane, this book has a very smooth senses, transition from smallpox to the wall forming background, and custom books sofa, to take photos for the guest, become a focus of visual interactive, followed by the design of the elements of all kinds of books one by one use, custom book droplight like lead quiet hanging in the air, metope thermal transfer book stack effect to receive equipment eat cabinet, the leading role of give prize silently contribution for the space.


Metope is there a book on the left gear design, with large length of mesa coffee table design, in order to temporarily leave the surrounding neighborhood children after school and do homework with friends or a good place to go, here have a reassuring light and comfortable seats, maybe it won't be long before there can be condensed out a strong learning atmosphere.


, large booth coffee area on the right side of the two groups of grey color with green sofa, the adornment of metope echo ARTDECO chess space elements, ShenShi with the feeling of sunshine, drinking coffee is comfortable.


Is on the left in the middle BAR, become the main decoration of the BAR of my case and it is bearing the weight of the culture of the book, is bearing the weight of the memory of guests come and go.


On either side of the entrance hallway, the VIP to all board, designed to create the great gates than the ceremony in the movie, so ARTDECO patterns become VIP decorative elements.


The theme of this space "book"  【NEW MAGAZINE COFFEE】, involve the brand name as the designer and party a as chatting to friends, new magazine named coffee is very good, but not a truly conforms to the new journal name of coffee shops, on the vision is reported such a backward reasoning, touches the brand's heart.



South weather recently, however, breaks you heart, since the spring, the stray earth fire all over world, but it seems that the earth really is pushing still running, by the time today, haven't seen the sun really at all, let alone feel the breath of spring, also good with the , "IN THE SPRING OF ZHE NEW MAGAZINE COFFEE" make up "we regret; Here also thank you very much for the great support party a team of design, and all participants in the construction of teacher.

咖啡馆外观,exterior of the cafe

咖啡馆外观,exterior of the cafe

室内空间概览:入口吧台座位区和开放座位区,interior view:bar dinning area and open dinning area at the entrance

室内空间概览:入口吧台座位区和开放座位区,interior view:bar dinning area and open dinning area at the entrance

灰调底色配以绿色沙发,grey color with green sofa

灰调底色配以绿色沙发,grey color with green sofa

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