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14318 2020-07-31T11:58:25 13 [佳作]
设计机构: 上海上悦建筑室内设计有限公司




Binhe Longfu project site is zhumadian original brewery, which not only integrates the local culture, but also carries the memory of a generation, expressing the thick nostalgia and feelings. Shangyue design makes full use of the reasonable cognition and combination of space and vision to skillfully combine light, shadow, color and meaning, and create a unique style and artistic feelings of interweaving the past and future through extremely textured materials and fabrics.


接待大厅内,复古格调的金属质感搭配凹凸有致的白墙,点缀上昏黄的几许灯光,仿佛置身于旧时的啤酒厂内,过去的岁月与生活在此刻铺陈开来; 沙盘区的灯饰好似时间的镜头,以俯拍的角度见证驻马店这座城市的历史变迁;洽谈区以“未来”为设计核心,重新打造现代主义建筑与空间、与人的关系,在形与形的关系转换间,呈现出一个相对独立又不重叠的洽谈空间;吧台区域好似格调高雅的啤酒瓶幻化而成,于简约梦幻的未来之境,诉说着那段旧时啤酒厂里的峥嵘岁月;卫生间的独特设计让过去与未来仅一墙之隔,方寸之间便可实现时代更迭的跳脱感。


Inside the reception hall, the metallic texture of retro style is matched with the white wall with concave and convex, dotted with a few dim lights, as if you are in an old brewery, the past years and life are spread out at this moment. The lights in the sandbox area act as a lens of time, witnessing the historical changes of zhumadian from an overhead perspective. With "future" as the design core, the negotiation area recreates the relationship between modernist architecture, space and people, presenting a relatively independent and non-overlapping negotiation space among the transformation of the relationship between form and form. The bar area is like an elegant beer bottle fantasy, in a simple dream of the future, telling the old brewery eventful years; The unique design of toilet lets past and future lie between one wall only, the jump that can realize times change between square inch takes off feeling.




Shangyue painstaking efforts to create, in the name of the dream to look at the utopia, the reappearance of architectural art of the wonderful pen - Binhe Longfu sales office, so that the feelings of the past and the vision of the future in this eloquence.



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