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10002 2021-08-01T16:45:40 23 [佳作]
设计机构: CSAD上海仓石设计
THE DADYISM · 达达主义说明:
吧台 / Bar counter


There’re always individuals fettered by the noisy city thirst for freedom. They try their best to retreat from the hustle and bustle, pursuing what they really want. And the bar is one of the outlets.

吧台 / Bar counter 喧嚣的城市,总有某种束缚,羁绊渴望自由的人,他们尝试各种方式,去冲破枷锁,寻找心中所向,而酒吧,便是其中一个“出口”。 There’re always individuals fettered by the noisy city thirst for freedom. They try their best to retreat from the hustle and bustle, pursuing what they really want. And the bar is one of the outlets.

通道衔接 / Channel connection


Disorder creates order, and order is broken by disorder. Performing art deconstructs the relationship between time, space, materials and energy. Space is a stage and a behavior. Designers abandon the cultural injection of space and perform impromptu creative methods. Space and thoughts dance together, and everyone in the body and space is invited to participate in this performance, thereby forming a dynamic order in which law and freedom coexist.

通道衔接 / Channel connection 无序创造有序,有序被无序打破。表演艺术解构了时间,空间,材质及能量的关系,空间是舞台也是行为,设计师摈弃对空间的文化注入,将即兴的创作方式尽兴演绎。空间与思绪共舞,而身与空间的所有人,都被邀请参与了这场演出,从而形成规律与自由并存的动态秩序。 Disorder creates order, and order is broken by disorder. Performing art deconstructs the relationship between time, space, materials and energy. Space is a stage and a behavior. Designers abandon the cultural injection of space and perform impromptu creative methods. Space and thoughts dance together, and everyone in the body and space is invited to participate in this performance, thereby forming a dynamic order in which law and freedom coexist.

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