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L · 路里餐厅

3703 2021-08-01T17:07:29 26
设计机构: CSAD上海仓石设计
L · 路里餐厅说明:
▲ 软装美陈 / Beautify the display


The basic carrier of expressing design with light is reduced to a minimum, and consciousness is awakened by the dialogue relationship between light and wall. The images of all things all refer to an existence. The warm and soft colors inside the restaurant make the atmosphere of the public area like a womb wrapped in one, quiet and intimate.

▲ 软装美陈 / Beautify the display 用光来表达设计的基本载体被减少到最低的程度,以光与墙的对话关系来唤醒知觉。餐厅内部温暖柔和的色彩让公共区域区域的氛围如子宫包裹般浑然一体、安静亲切。 The basic carrier of expressing design with light is reduced to a minimum, and consciousness is awakened by the dialogue relationship between light and wall. The images of all things all refer to an existence. The warm and soft colors inside the restaurant make the atmosphere of the public area like a womb wrapped in one, quiet and intimate.

▲ 艺术趣味 / Waiting area


The space deliberately creates a sense of concise lines, and the artistically interesting soft furnishings make the poetry and picturesque and lines become one, which is more vivid and profound.

▲ 艺术趣味 / Waiting area 空间中刻意营造出简洁的线条感,富有艺术趣味的软装陈设使诗情画意与线条合二为一,更显生动深邃。 The space deliberately creates a sense of concise lines, and the artistically interesting soft furnishings make the poetry and picturesque and lines become one, which is more vivid and profound.

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