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L · 路里餐厅

3703 2021-08-01T17:07:29 26
设计机构: CSAD上海仓石设计
L · 路里餐厅说明:
▲ 夹层楼梯 / Mezzanine stairs


The entire space, shaped by light and shadow walls and pure colors, has a restrained, quiet, profound, and worldly beauty.

▲ 夹层楼梯 / Mezzanine stairs 整个空间,在光影墙壁,单纯色彩的塑造下,具有一种内敛,沉静,深邃,隔世的美感。 The entire space, shaped by light and shadow walls and pure colors, has a restrained, quiet, profound, and worldly beauty.

▲ 餐厅过道 / Restaurant aisle


The interior of the curved space is not suitable for too short storeys. While trying to raise the high storeys as much as possible, the designer makes full use of the visual expansion and extension of the curve. This subtle touch will blur the space boundary. Different from the linear space, the action line has a strong ability to reach the goal, while the curve gives people a sense of distance, the tortuous extension of the line, and the changeable occlusion of the space, so that the space users have an extra desire to explore.

▲ 餐厅过道 / Restaurant aisle 曲线空间内部不适宜于过矮的层高,在尽量拔高层高的同时设计师充分利用了曲线在视觉上所带来的展开感与延伸感,这种微妙的感触会使得空间边界感模糊。有别于直线空间中行为动线带有强烈的到达目标性,而曲线给与人远方感,线条的曲折延伸,空间的遮挡多变,让空间使用者多了一份探知欲。 The interior of the curved space is not suitable for too short storeys. While trying to raise the high storeys as much as possible, the designer makes full use of the visual expansion and extension of the curve. This subtle touch will blur the space boundary. Different from the linear space, the action line has a strong ability to reach the goal, while the curve gives people a sense of distance, the tortuous extension of the line, and the changeable occlusion of the space, so that the space users have an extra desire to explore.

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