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L · 路里餐厅

3701 2021-08-01T17:07:29 26
设计机构: CSAD上海仓石设计
L · 路里餐厅说明:
▲ 图片来自网络 / Web picture


It is a complex and ambiguous context, just like a writer’s judgment, “Real literature refuses the title as a best-seller.” What he means is that the attraction of huge followings reveals its superficial contents. Sadly, it exists obvious logical error. The phenomenon of huge followings could only deduce that the consensus has been achieved in a very short period, not the depth of the content (no need to list examples here). So, if we take it in words like: real design refuses web celebrity, the implied word of superior sense should be --- not care.In this way, when changed into “Real literature never cares the title as a best-seller.”
“Real design never cares about web celebrity.”, it does look much better. 


There always exists human nature in trending phenomena, forming a trackable undercurrent form the bottom. It needs some skills to trace and summarize the general rules in it, the same to those Internet celebrities, let alone those riding the tides. We should neither be driven by trends, nor the context.


▲ 图片来自网络 / Web picture (以下内容摘自“东仓”) 复杂又暧昧的语境,类比于某位作家讲过类似‘真正的文学拒绝畅销’的诤言。言下之意见是:大流量形成必然意味着内容的肤浅。某位作家的见地存在显然的逻辑错误。因为大流量的形成只能推导出共识的有效快速形成而无法推论出内容的深浅优劣(不公开赘述例证)。所以,若换言道:真正的设计拒绝网红!高级的对垒台词是——不在乎。 ‘真正的文学不在乎畅销’‘真正的设计不在乎网红’看起来姿态就优雅多了。 It is a complex and ambiguous context, just like a writer’s judgment, “Real literature refuses the title as a best-seller.” What he means is that the attraction of huge followings reveals its superficial contents. Sadly, it exists obvious logical error. The phenomenon of huge followings could only deduce that the consensus has been achieved in a very short period, not the depth of the content (no need to list examples here). So, if we take it in words like: real design refuses web celebrity, the implied word of superior sense should be --- not care.In this way, when changed into “Real literature never cares the title as a best-seller.” “Real design never cares about web celebrity.”, it does look much better. 凡成潮流的人文现象,都是人性的力场,形成自底层规律的暗流。总结规律是技术活,网红是,弄潮更是。既不被潮流驾驭,也不必被语境成见驾驭。 There always exists human nature in trending phenomena, forming a trackable undercurrent form the bottom. It needs some skills to trace and summarize the general rules in it, the same to those Internet celebrities, let alone those riding the tides. We should neither be driven by trends, nor the context. 平面图 Renderings

▲ 餐厅一层平面图 / Plan of the first  floor

▲ 餐厅一层平面图 / Plan of the first floor

▲ 餐厅二层平面图 / Plan of the second floor

Renderings show

▲ 餐厅二层平面图 / Plan of the second floor 效果图展示 Renderings show

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