▲ 木星 / Jupiter 空间的叠加态时刻存在着,或者说,这是世界原本最真实的状态。当我们睁开眼睛,量子叠加态塌缩成唯一的可能,万物与我因此有了确定的形态,我们无法两次踏入同一条河流......在日夜间光影流离,轮转前行,所有的斑斓绚烂,都带着孤寂寻求内心慰藉,面对无限与未知,与你一起遨游这浩瀚的星空。 The superposition status of space exists all the time, in other words, this is the original real status of the world.We human beings and everything in the universe all comes from the superposition of space.Heraclitus once said: “A man cannot step into the same river twice…”we lonely human beings, who are endowed with braveness have never stopped pursuing inner peace in the colorful, infinite universe.
▲ 散座区 / Seat area 当我们闭上眼睛踏入时空的虚空,耳旁响起狄兰·托马斯那句著名的诗句:“不要温和地走进那个良夜......”倘若我们用空间来类比宇宙,那么内部的建构便是人们眼中的星系,这像是一个提醒。 When we step into the void of time and space with our eyes closed, Dylan Thomas’s well-known verse comes to our mind: "Don’t walk gently into that good night..." If we use space to analogize the universe, then the internal construction is just like galaxy which reminds us to think about the universe.