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Black Space

5147 2021-08-01T17:34:36 17
设计机构: CSAD上海仓石设计
Black Space说明:
入口 / Entrance


The space was originally two separate floors. The designer suggested adding a stair to connect and expand it. One the one hand, it improves the business dynamics of the upper and lower buildings; on the other hand, the stair could also be used as an art to display. The first floor is used as a space for reception, rest, and display of the latest products and the second floor is used as a buyer's shop. In this Rubik's Cube space, along with the guidance of the axis and the material, people in the space creates an interactive experience through movement, vision, and conjecture.

入口 / Entrance 空间原本为两个独立楼层,设计师建议增加改变楼梯将其打通,在拉动上下楼商业动态的同时楼梯亦可当作展示艺术使用。一楼作为接待、休息、展示最新产品使用,二楼则作为买手店使用。在这个魔方空间中,顺着轴线与材质的引导,空间的体验者借由移动、视觉、猜想,与空间产生互动体验。 The space was originally two separate floors. The designer suggested adding a stair to connect and expand it. One the one hand, it improves the business dynamics of the upper and lower buildings; on the other hand, the stair could also be used as an art to display. The first floor is used as a space for reception, rest, and display of the latest products and the second floor is used as a buyer's shop. In this Rubik's Cube space, along with the guidance of the axis and the material, people in the space creates an interactive experience through movement, vision, and conjecture.

玻璃橱窗 / Glass window



This project is located at the corner of the commercial street and has floor-to-ceiling glass wall for display. Considering the special characteristic of the shop, the designer chooses to maximize the window feature in the design, making the shop window become the indoor space highlights.

The design of the mirror space depends on the structure, but is not limited by the structure; it is generated from structure and deducts the essence of minimalism.

玻璃橱窗 / Glass window 此项目位于商业街道的转角处,拥有着落地玻璃幕墙展示面,考虑到作为买手店的特殊属性,设计师选择在结构上将橱窗语言最大化融入在设计中,使橱窗也成为室内空间的亮点。 镜像空间的设计依赖于结构,但不受结构限制,而是从中产生,演绎出极简主义的精髓。 This project is located at the corner of the commercial street and has floor-to-ceiling glass wall for display. Considering the special characteristic of the shop, the designer chooses to maximize the window feature in the design, making the shop window become the indoor space highlights. The design of the mirror space depends on the structure, but is not limited by the structure; it is generated from structure and deducts the essence of minimalism.

店门头 / Shopfront


Large-scale use of light-reflecting materials such as glass and metal to resolve the boundaries inside and outside of the building

店门头 / Shopfront 大面积利用玻璃和金属等透光反光的材质来化解建筑内外的界限。 Large-scale use of light-reflecting materials such as glass and metal to resolve the boundaries inside and outside of the building

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