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Black Space

5146 2021-08-01T17:34:36 17
设计机构: CSAD上海仓石设计
Black Space说明:

空间分割 / Spatial Segmentation

入口空间利用巧妙的几何分割和材质变化,确保了整体开阔性的同时构建了室内外的和谐关系。从入口处看一楼左右分为两部分, 处于入口位置的座位相对更私密且坐拥着最好的观赏面。而右半部分的展示区则能同时观看到外部与室内的景观,感官上更微妙,且不会阻挡视线。


The entrance space takes full advantage of ingenious geometric segmentation and material changes to ensure the overall broadness and establishes a harmonious relationship between indoor and outdoor. From the perspective of the entrance, the first floor is divided into two parts. The seats at the entrance are relatively private and have best viewing. While, the display area in the right half can simultaneously view the exterior and indoor landscape, which is more subtle in sense and does not block the line of sight.

From the perspective of outside, the whole space spreads from left to right to the stairs. The space is full of tension and sense of hierarchy, which pulls people's walking routes; the design increases the interest of space, at the same time, using the height and structure of the space itself to break through the use restrictions of space.

空间分割 / Spatial Segmentation 入口空间利用巧妙的几何分割和材质变化,确保了整体开阔性的同时构建了室内外的和谐关系。从入口处看一楼左右分为两部分, 处于入口位置的座位相对更私密且坐拥着最好的观赏面。而右半部分的展示区则能同时观看到外部与室内的景观,感官上更微妙,且不会阻挡视线。 从外看整个空间由左往右至楼梯蔓延,空间充满张力且有层次感,拉动人们的行走路线;增加空间趣味性的同时;利用了空间本身的高度以及结构突破了空间的使用限制。 The entrance space takes full advantage of ingenious geometric segmentation and material changes to ensure the overall broadness and establishes a harmonious relationship between indoor and outdoor. From the perspective of the entrance, the first floor is divided into two parts. The seats at the entrance are relatively private and have best viewing. While, the display area in the right half can simultaneously view the exterior and indoor landscape, which is more subtle in sense and does not block the line of sight. From the perspective of outside, the whole space spreads from left to right to the stairs. The space is full of tension and sense of hierarchy, which pulls people's walking routes; the design increases the interest of space, at the same time, using the height and structure of the space itself to break through the use restrictions of space.

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