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Black Space

5157 2021-08-01T17:34:36 17
设计机构: CSAD上海仓石设计
Black Space说明:
展示墙 / Display Wall



Excluding unnecessary elements, there is no any extra decoration and no complicated accessories between display wall and the service counter, only the large area of white space and the most concise and powerful lines express the core of structuralism.

In addition, the designer, Leo hopes that the space design could have a unique personality while satisfying the functional requirements through the stepped spatial language.

展示墙 / Display Wall 去除不必要的元素,展示墙与服务台没有任何多余的装饰,没有繁复的摆设,只用大面积的留白和最简洁有力的线条表达了结构主义的核心。 此外,设计师邵龙在这个项目中希望通过阶梯式的空间语言在满足设计委托方功能要求的同时,亦能使空间设计具备独特的个性。 Excluding unnecessary elements, there is no any extra decoration and no complicated accessories between display wall and the service counter, only the large area of white space and the most concise and powerful lines express the core of structuralism. In addition, the designer, Leo hopes that the space design could have a unique personality while satisfying the functional requirements through the stepped spatial language.

阶梯艺术  / Stepped Art


The hierarchical structure makes landscape and the senses of space vary along with different locations – go up along the ladder, enjoy different view. Stepped design maximizes all spatial experience, and progressive movements guide the guests into more products as they walk up.

阶梯艺术 / Stepped Art 富有层次感的结构,让人们身处不同的位置欣赏到的景观以及体验到的空间感也会随之变化-沿梯而上,风景各异。阶梯式的语言将所有空间感受最大化展示,递进式的动线引导客人在行走往上的过程中接触到更多的产品。 The hierarchical structure makes landscape and the senses of space vary along with different locations – go up along the ladder, enjoy different view. Stepped design maximizes all spatial experience, and progressive movements guide the guests into more products as they walk up.

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