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18425 2017-08-23T10:34:49 22
设计机构: 上海尚窗室内设计有限公司






设计主创:  李秀儿 阮彦恺



    空间规划部分,将整个空间按消防通道分为两部分 ,前区为活动与展示区,主要是宣传功能,设置舞台与大型LED屏幕,平面化不抬高的舞台设计,更加具有亲和力,舞台上的布置是教室场景,就像一个小品的场景设计,让观众观看节目的同时,产生遐想。 舞台的两侧是服装产品展示区,服装展示部分则全部用道具模特出样,通过形式组合,营造出就有阵容感的氛围,让顾客感受到品牌的超级实力。 后区为商务洽谈区域,满足甲方展会招商目的。

     彩色铅笔是空间的符号,明亮的黄色是主色,可以让整个展厅在整个展馆跳跃出来,一直独秀,并与品牌文化相契合。局部搭配其他颜色铅笔,让空间变得更加生动活泼。200多根阵列的彩铅柱子成为空间分割的墙,是空间的围合,橡皮擦则是搭配,让校园文化更加直接表达。构成设计手法的铅笔柱,高低前后错落,并在每根铅笔柱的留有间隙,空间看起来既有体量感,又有通透度。 除了明亮的色彩,设计师运用仿真草包出夸张的欧式沙发和灯、展示台等,为空间增添趣味感。    


     Project Name: Giuseppe School Uniforms Exhibition Hall

Project Address: Shanghai

Project Area: 495 square meters

Project completion time: April 2017

Designed By: Shanghai Windows Design Co., Ltd.

Chief Designer: Li Xiu’er, Ruan Yankai

 Design Description:

This case is designed for the temporary exhibition hall for Giuseppe brand school uniforms in the 2017 school uniforms exhibition. The designer plans to create a full visual impact interior construction by the combination of the logo element and the campus culture.

 For the space planning section, the whole space is divided into two parts according to the layout of the fire control passage with the activity and the display area in the front part mainly used for propaganda function. With the setting of the stage and the large-scale LED screen and the flat but not elevated stage, the design tends to be friendlier. The scene of a classroom is arranged on the stage, just like the set design seen in a TV sketch where audience can be brought to endless reverie when they watch the program. On both sides of the stage stand the garment display area dressed by the prop models in different combinations so as to present the atmosphere of team sense and to demonstrate the super brand strength to the customers. The back area will be used for business negotiations to satisfy the purpose for merchants-recruiting at the exhibition.


Color pencil is the symbol of space and the bright yellow used as the main color can have the exhibition hall highlighted in the entire pavilion as a single show and the design also agrees with the brand culture. Other colorful pencils used in other parts add more vibrancy to the space. More than 200 arrays of colorful pencil pillars act both as the wall dividing the space and surrounding the space while eraser is a kind match with the pencil, a more direct expression f the campus culture. These pencil columns, the main elements for the design method, are well scattered. Gaps are left in each pencil column to create a sense of volume, but also transparency. In addition to bright colors, the designers use artificial turf in the design of these exaggerated European-style sofas and lights, display stations, etc., adding more fun feeling to the space.  

 This project is a temporary construction. As countless construction waste is produced every year through different large and small scale exhibitions, it would also be energy-saving and emission reduction to produce as little waste as we can.  In addition to brand image and strength highlighting, we also need to save as much cost as possible from the view of party A. The designer has finally improved the structure through many experiments as the pencil post is finally determined to be made with a paper tube wrapped with color self-adhesive stickers. With Foamex panel installed in the cross pedestal set at certain distance on a row of plank, it will be much easier to create pieces of orderly colored pencil wall by placing these paper pillars on the pedestal. Light and being fast, convenient and safe in handling and installation, these paper pillars don’t create security risks at the exhibition site and also save two-thirds of the budget. Finally this batch of paper pillars can be returned to the manufacturer for recycled reuse as color stickers are not directly affixed to the outer wall of the paper  pillars and don’t cause any damage.


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