少即是多:无简洁不设计,在20世纪末21世纪初风靡全球,形成了一股继包豪斯时代以来的最 大规模的简约设计风潮。正如中西方绘画不约而同的走向写意,世界设计风向也一致无意地选择了简洁。
Less is more: not concise design, at the end of the 20th century at the beginning of the 21st century is popular all over the world, formed a the biggest since the era of Bauhaus of contracted design trend.As both Chinese and western painting freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, the trend of the world design wind direction also consistent unconsciously choose the simple.
Zen is nature: we pursue design reason, must first insight into the diverse needs of humanity itself, especially in people's life and aesthetic demand.Movement of things, there are trajectory, and the stillness of the things, is often difficult to explore.The so-called things change while the same truth, where the plain truth is to remove all of the world and the human nature, nature is zen.
Empty is beautiful: zen pursuit of pure world and human nature, the true, the base. The source of theThis source is the most fundamental zen world outlook and outlook on life, is an "empty" words.Empty is not empty, also is not nothing, but the sea is the bacc the broad mind, refers to the heart of the world, plain is a kind of universal value, empty is beautiful.