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DGCD- Speakeasy Shanghai

5537 2017-08-30T18:42:54 25
设计机构: 上海方凯得建筑设计咨询有限公司
DGCD- Speakeasy Shanghai说明:

DGCD- Dry Goods, Cold Drinks

Total area:          260 sqm
Location:           Shanghai

DGCD is a hidden speakeasy bar located in the Shanghais French concession. The bar is located in the former Roosevelt wine cellar, ad adapted for bar. The bar design is inspires in the prohibition era wit images of Al Capone and moonshine inspired drinks. The space consists on a cocktail lounge surrounded by old wine cellars. The entrance is one of the highlights. It sets on street front dry goods store taking you to a back door, ending up on a back patio and a metal door. After the door, we walked into an old bathroom area with broken posters on the walls, and then a light projection with a hidden button. After pressing the bottom, the secret door opens and you are taking back to shanghai’s 1920 by an old solid wood shikumen staircase.

The design is based on exposed ceiling cover ion black industrial mesh, dim lights and vintage furniture. The long bar located in the middle of the venue is cover is old black  wooden moldings, and dark zinc counter top.  Design details like a bank cashier, copper moonshine makers and private lockers for members.


CUADRAK Studio is a multidisciplinary architecture practice oriented to develop design solutions and sustainable environments through creative functionality. We aim to deliver highly creative spaces with a functional approach, considering all aspects of the project for a successful and cost efficient result. As an international provider of reliable, innovative and unique solutions, we are motivated by the desire to build better buildings for your future.







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