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21953 2017-12-25T15:57:49 25 [佳作]
设计师: 侯胤杰

艺术置家 美而全的ISOU展厅设计







主要材料:lamett 地板 多乐士涂料,天然大理石,定制线条

项目设计:法纳兴室内设计事务所(NOTHING STUDIO) 设计总监 侯胤杰 Nathan



无论哪个角度 感受的都是完整的家





现代的理念  诠释欧洲的艺术







Building the house with art

Beautiful and Comprehensive design of ISOU Showroom

In Nathan’s opinion, he doesn’t care about styles, but he always knows what can give customers the best experience. Sharing the same designing concept as well as the same feeling of highlighting the integration and diversity with the International furniture corporation, ISOU, their cooperation is destined to happen, which makes this showroom of 1500 square meters unique.


Area: 1500 square meters

Main materials: Lamett floor, Dulux paints, natural marbles, customized lines

Project designed by: NOTHING STUDIO

Design Director: Nathan Hou

The feeling of a comprehensive home from different angles

In this showroom of 1500 square meters, Nathan breaks through the usual way of displaying products in a scattered way, based on the theory of “building the house with art”, he re-classifies hundreds of ISOU furniture products according to the style combination, and it shows the model of a complete “home” though different combinations.

The two storeys of the showroom have been designed into more than ten model rooms. When walking into them, whether it’s the ground floor, or the villa area, you can find the related combinations, such as living room, dining room, bedroom, study room, smoking room and lounge. Generally, you have an intuitive feeling of fitting into this environment.

This is the “lifestyle” that Nathan has been working hard on, namely, to show the style of the space based on the design of the products. It effectively improves the placement effect of furniture products in a space and maximizes the experience of the customers. Whether it’s from the style of the furniture products themselves, or the placement, the combination with soft decoration, or even the design of hard decoration, the customers can feel it’s a comprehensive home. They can even “bring the design back home for decoration” easily, which is effective and time-saving.

Modern concepts     The expression of European art

The part Nathan feel most satisfied in terms of the showroom design is that the reconstruction of the building has been minimized, and this low-cost design comes from his accurate master and analysis on ISOU’s products. Through kinetonema design of planarization, each product and each set are traveling on the same time tunnel with no one being left behind. There’s nothing tedious, but full of best experience.

The whole building is designed based on the modern European style. Different sets of products embody their styles through different colors and materials. The floor of the hallway is decorated by dimensional marble patterns. It produces great sense of comparison in decoration through the marble lines and wooden lines on the wall, which is simple but endowed with aesthetic minds. Nathan brings the western space designing method into this whole place. Unique top caves, lines on the walls, French windows and doors combined with European and modern styles can all prove it.

What is most striking is the design of discussion section, which is totally British style. Iron door frames, black exhibition shelves, chairs and tables with gray and white, low-key but luxurious crystal lights……all look natural and make you feel comfortable, as if you are in the rest time after lunch in Europe and want to indulge yourselves in it.

Independent thoughts, the respect for the showcase of the “integration” of space in a balanced way, the accurate master of “diversity” in life, the harsh attitude toward “ordinary” and “extraordinary”, the pursuit of a beautiful and comprehensive life, all these are designing feelings deeply rooted in Nathan’s heart, and that’s what makes his design unique and fascinating.

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