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Pippa’s Apartment

7797 2018-11-06T11:47:46 20 [佳作]
设计师: 目心
Pippa’s Apartment说明:

家的无限可能 | Pippa's Apartment

一个人为寻求她所需要的东西,走遍了全世界,回到家里,找到了 。------穆尔

A man goes all over the world to find what he wants, and finds it in his home.--- Moore


The downtown house was not designed and operated according to any particular style or trend. From the layout of the living room and dining room to the unconventional treatment of the children's room and bedroom, they are unique and customized. Pippa herself said: This is the private custom she wants for her life.


项目名称:Pippa’s Apartment


项目面积:220 平米

设计师:孙浩晨 张雷

参与设计:李璇 张蕊 姜大伟 董文婷 郭骏





Project information

Project Name: Pippa 's Apartment

Project location: Xuhui District, Shanghai

Project area: 220 square meters

Designer: Leo Sun, Yves Zhang

Participatory design: Xuan Li, Rui Zhang, David Jiang, Wendy Dong and Jun Guo

Photographer: Daqi Zhang

Design date: 2018.01-2018.02

Date of Construction: 2018.02-2018.04

客厅工作区 Working area of living room

客厅工作区 Working area of living room

工作区细节 Detail of working area

工作区细节 Detail of working area

▽ 富有自然气息的艺术角 Art corner with natural atmosphere画室兼私人休息区是主人平时在家中最爱待的地方。这里被布置成了自然与艺术的小天堂。阳光透过全景窗射进来,透过落地窗又能随时望见户外的绿植树木。她说无论是作画,还是休息,这里都能让她的思绪即刻沉静下来。
Drawing and private rest area is the most favorite place for the owner to stay at home. This is arranged as a natural paradise for art. Sunlight enters through the panoramic window, and outdoor trees can be seen at any time through the French windows. She said that no matter whether she was painting or resting, she could calm her thoughts down.

The combination of marble and wooden roof cabinets separates the living room, and a wall-mounted music player hangs above the marble-made electronic fireplace, spreading melodious music throughout the house.

▽ 富有自然气息的艺术角 Art corner with natural atmosphere画室兼私人休息区是主人平时在家中最爱待的地方。这里被布置成了自然与艺术的小天堂。阳光透过全景窗射进来,透过落地窗又能随时望见户外的绿植树木。她说无论是作画,还是休息,这里都能让她的思绪即刻沉静下来。 Drawing and private rest area is the most favorite place for the owner to stay at home. This is arranged as a natural paradise for art. Sunlight enters through the panoramic window, and outdoor trees can be seen at any time through the French windows. She said that no matter whether she was painting or resting, she could calm her thoughts down. 大理石和木质顶柜的组合形式与客厅做出区隔,大理石制作的的电子壁炉上方悬挂着挂壁式音乐播放器,令悠扬的音乐传遍全屋。 The combination of marble and wooden roof cabinets separates the living room, and a wall-mounted music player hangs above the marble-made electronic fireplace, spreading melodious music throughout the house.

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