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57242 2018-12-27T14:45:15 20 [佳作]
设计机构: 上海杰筑建筑规划设计股份有限公司
        酒店主体早于2017年开业,主楼层高地上22层,地下三层。Casaling意大利餐厅,全天营业的浦东城市餐厅以及The Lounge酒廊,10间独立大厅配有各类先进设施,面积总计达1050平方米,辅之以650平方米的豪华宴会厅,堪称各类互动的理想筹办之选,健身中心器械一流,更有长22米的游泳池和豪华水疗护理室。休闲时光,尽在万豪。本案在此基础上对酒店的第二十至二十二层进行重新定义,定位为长期旅居国内的外籍人士及国内商务人群长期使用。
       The main body of the hotel was opened in  2013, with 22 floors above the main floor and three floors below. Casaling Italian Restaurant, Pudong City Restaurant and The Lounge Lounge Lounge Lounge Lounge Lounge Lounge are equipped with 10 independent halls with various advanced facilities, covering a total area of 1050 square meters, supplemented by 650 square meters of luxury banquet hall, which can be regarded as the ideal choice for all kinds of interaction. The fitness center has first-class equipment, 22 meters long swimming pool and luxury spa nursing room. Leisure time is spent in Marriott. On this basis, the case redefines the twentieth to twenty-second floors of the hotel, which is positioned as long-term use by foreigners and domestic business people living in China.
      In order to integrate the main atmosphere of Marriott Hotel, the design process naturally follows Marriott's traditional style, while the shape of space reflects a new way of life. With Family Relaxation and business strictness, full of elegance, clarity and softness of life, it is our definition of high-end administrative apartment in the city. The metal lines and linear lighting with landscape pattern are matched by screen-printed glass, which makes the lobby rooted in both eastern culture and modern urban culture.
     Soft natural light fills the whole space through the eye-catching floor-glass windows on one side of the restaurant, as well as the dining area with cloth furniture, linking the delicacies of the restaurant with the natural environment, making it a pleasant space for enjoying the charm of Shanghai. The graceful gray stone and Zen food utensils with a sense of time make the space dwell between tranquility and prosperity.
     The interior environment of the hotel room presents a delicate sense of luxury and beauty, which brings the guests a pleasant experience far from the city but not from the city. Material and form details have been carefully considered, using neutral flooring, wood and leather decoration, as well as specially tailored carpets. The overall design is elegant and avant-garde: natural stone, smoke glass and design furniture form a harmonious match.





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