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5641 2018-12-27T17:46:44 15
设计机构: 上海杰筑建筑规划设计股份有限公司
未来云1951售楼中心项目位于长株潭城市群三大核心之一的株洲市,临近长江南路与天台路交汇处,主体项目是由酒店、商业街、高层公寓等多种功能混合组成的综合体,预计在 2019年完成建设。目前,该项目的售楼部已完工并正式投入使用。
Future Cloud 1951 Sales Center Project is located in Zhuzhou City, one of the three core cities of Changsha Zhuzhou Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration, near the intersection of South Yangtze River Road and Tiantai Road. The main project is a complex of hotels, commercial streets, high-rise apartments and other functions, which is expected to be completed in 2019. At present, the sales center of this project has been completed and put into use formally.
  Located in the northwest side of the main project plot, the sales center is also the most densely crowded area with a total height of 10 meters, which is a noticeable symbol on the main road. As a sales building, the shape is usually extraordinary, with a considerable atmosphere, this sales center is no exception. The building can be seen as a conjunction of two boxes overlapping each other. The superimposed shape attracts passers-by facing the highway, and the huge eaves on the west side can prevent too much sunlight from entering the building. The designer arranges the display sale here, which runs through the reception and negotiation area on the back side. On the other hand, it is the passageway of the inner space.
The interior space continues the concept of future-cloud design, combines cultural and commercial attributes, simplifies complexity, takes simplicity to control complexity, takes simple lines as carriers, expresses the shape of mountains, waters and clouds through wall modelling, texture, objects and so on by means of images. Soft leather, cloth, gray and white hexagonal tiles on the floor, glass products on the desk. Static, steady, rhythmic, agile, interesting, seemingly contradictory perceptual experience but harmoniously blended together, this is the experience we hope to create. These uncertain designs can have their own internal emotions and flow in the space. Seemingly ordinary block elements, but it is extremely easy to make the viewer moved and shocked.






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