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3001 2019-11-14T10:17:16 12
设计师: 张航


The case is located in Jiuting, Songjiang, along the street, the first floor into the house facing west, very small space, two plus 38 M2. The client is an exquisite and fashionable jewelry original designer, the first floor is for jewelry design display, the second floor also because many love the beauty of the young ladies visit, the second floor has set up a nail and eyelash space, so the second floor is only 17 M2, needs to meet two nail table, nail chair, beauty bed (time is best concealed) display, storage, washing, and so on some functions, so the control of space size is crucial.

The Jewelry Wall display on the first floor is inspired by the honeycombs. It uses a delicate metallic finish. Some bees produce honey. The metallic jewelry is placed in the cabinet of the honeycombs and is perfectly combined with the honey color.

一楼珠宝墙面展示造型灵感来源于蜜蜂窝,采用精致的金属色收边,有种蜜蜂产蜜,金属色的首饰置放在蜂窝的柜体里也就很好的跟蜂蜜色完美结合。 The Jewelry Wall display on the first floor is inspired by the honeycombs. It uses a delicate metallic finish. Some bees produce honey. The metallic jewelry is placed in the cabinet of the honeycombs and is perfectly combined with the honey color.

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