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884 2019-12-27T16:25:56 21
设计师: 凌伟

此案是为一位带着儿子的母亲所设计 意图在重新规划空间功能改变原有生活方式的同时置入轻松的居家氛围 让居住在空间内的人感受到生活的温暖和闲适 各自都有一个独立的空间又有互相依托的区域 重新规划了动线 将原本传统的客餐厅区域改成客厅和书房区 让母子二人可以在看电视和用电脑的同时处在同一空间增加情感沟通 用餐空间改到原本的小房间区域 相对私密并具有包容感主卧室同时增加了卫生间和衣帽间 实用感增强 卧室内小阳台设置成休闲区让休息的同时也有一个独立的阅读区 阳台打开和客厅共享空间 同时也是为家里另一部分的成员--两只可爱的猫咪和整个房屋和屋主产生了没有隔断的空间和情感联系 装饰上大面积留白 增加可视面积和想象空间  用木质元素和不同比例的块面来处理 同时需要绿植和部分跳色元素装点空间 营造舒适又有内容的居家环境。


This case is designed for a mother with a son. It aims to re plan the space function, change the original lifestyle, and at the same time, put in a relaxed home atmosphere, so that people living in the space can feel the warmth and leisure of life, each with an independent space and interdependent area. It also re plans the dynamic line, changing the original traditional guest restaurant area into the living room and study area Mother and son can watch TV and use computer at the same time in the same space, increase emotional communication dining space, change to the original small room area, which is relatively private and inclusive. The master bedroom also increases the practical sense of bathroom and cloakroom. The small balcony in the bedroom is set as a leisure area, so that there is an independent reading area, and the balcony opens and the living room share space at the same time It is also for the members of another part of the family -- two lovely cats and the whole house and the owner to create an undivided space and emotional connection. On the decoration technique, a large area of white space is left to increase the visible area and imagination space. Wooden elements and blocks of different proportions are used to deal with it. At the same time, green plants and some color jumping elements are needed to decorate the space to create a comfortable and content home environment.

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