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32543 2020-08-10T13:16:44 17 [精品]
设计师: 凌伟

这套屋子的设计过程很奇妙,从业主找到我聊了第一次大家一拍即合就确定了设计方向,到在开工后业主就怀孕得到了一个新的身份转变,整个设计的落地过程全程由我来代办,施工交接,材料选样付款,软装落地到拍照,业主几乎没露过几次面,在100%的信任基础下完成了这套案子,全程付出了很多的辛苦和金钱(最后算了一下我个人垫付了快十几万,当然这也是双方都非常信任的体现了),最后拍照的那一刻觉得还是挺满足。说回正题,平面考量的部分其实改过两次 第一次的处理是把书房打开和客厅融合到了一起,开工后业主临时改主意决定还是用封闭的考虑以后给二胎留一些可变动空间,厨房采取了开方式的结构希望可以让家庭成员之间的互动更多,厨房的做饭,餐厅的用餐,北阳台的跑步健身,客厅的影视区,意图增加亲子之间的交流和打开更多的视角。主卧用了套间的处理,考虑到居家生活的琐碎在各处都融合了对应空间的储物空间,满足业主较宅的生活属性,不用出房间也可以达到日常生活需求。开始的设计风格从性冷淡到业主怀孕后家庭成员的变化,我们逐渐转变成在性冷淡中融合一些家的安静和柔和的放松感,希望这个房子可以在满足业主双方的审美上依然可以带给成长中的宝宝安全,舒适,健康,环保的生长环境。36°是人体的温度,也是最能够让孩子感受到父母肌肤触碰的温度,即使是用了灰色,用了水泥的颜色,仍然希望可以在这个居住空间里传达出爱意和温暖的感受。

The design process of this house is very wonderful. From the first time the owner came to me and talked with me, we decided the design direction. After the construction, the owner became pregnant and got a new identity change. I was responsible for the whole process of the design implementation, including construction handover, material selection and payment, soft decoration landing to photo taking. The owner hardly showed up several times, based on 100% trust After finishing this case, I paid a lot of hard work and money (finally, I paid nearly 100000 yuan in advance, which is also a reflection of mutual trust). At the last moment of taking photos, I felt quite satisfied. Back to the point, the plane consideration part has been changed twice The first treatment is to open the study and the living room together. After the construction, the owner temporarily changed his mind and decided to leave some changeable space for the second child. The kitchen adopted the structure of opening mode, hoping to make more interaction between family members, cooking in the kitchen, dining in the dining room, running and fitness on the north balcony, and the film and television area in the living room, with the intention of increasing Communication between parents and children and opening up more perspectives. The master bedroom is treated with a suite. Considering the trivialities of home life, the storage space of corresponding space is integrated everywhere to meet the living property of the owner's house, and the daily life needs can be met without leaving the room. The original design style changed from cold sex to the change of family members after the owner became pregnant. We gradually transformed into the combination of quiet and soft relaxation in some families. We hope that the house can meet the aesthetic needs of both owners and still bring Baobao a safe, comfortable, healthy and environment-friendly growing environment. 36 ° is the temperature of the human body, and it is also the temperature that the children can feel the touch of their parents' skin. Even if the color of gray and cement is used, they still hope to convey love and warmth in this living space.

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