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9837 2021-11-01T11:21:03 23 [佳作]
设计机构: 上海穆德建筑装饰工程设计有限公司

禹洲·朗玥府项目坐落于宁波市北仑区。宁波作为最早的港口城市,许多文化在此交融,有着丰富的文化积淀和悠久的历史文化,是典型的江南水乡和海港城市。禹洲·朗玥府售楼处的软装设计由MOD穆德设计担纲。 作为本案的设计理念,设计师以“不拘一格”的方式将宁波特有的人文竹韵水与当代设计融合。竹、石、茶、先锋艺术作为本案基本的设计手法,东方的文化与现代表现手法相结合,打造与现代融合又不失韵味的现代典雅风格。

The Yuzhou·Langyue Mansion Project is located in Beilun District, Ningbo City. As the earliest port city, Ningbo has many cultures blended here, with rich cultural accumulation and long history and culture. It is a typical Jiangnan water town and seaport city. The soft decoration design of the sales center of Yuzhou·Langyue Mansion is led by MOD Service Design. As the design concept of this case, the designer integrates Ningbo's unique humanistic bamboo rhyme with contemporary design in an "eclectic" way. Bamboo, stone, tea, and avant-garde art are the basic design techniques of this case. Oriental culture and modern expression techniques are combined to create a modern and elegant style that blends with modernity without losing its charm.



Treating each other with courtesy is an oriental tradition. The design uses the charm of the central axis ingeniously, so that the ritual sense of courtesy comes to life when entering the space.


竹文化 - 是传统中国的气节表达,设计师以竹子为媒介贯穿空间始终。沙盘区上方的每株灯管如竹节般点点串联,凝结出一幅如自然中行云流水般的震撼画卷,既具有深度又具有简洁性,它通过解构,交互和创新的过程阐明了人造结构与自然结构之间的相似之处。

Bamboo culture is the expression of traditional Chinese integrity. The designer uses bamboo as a medium throughout the space. Each light tube above the sandpan area is connected in series like bamboo joints, condensing a shocking picture like natural clouds and flowing water, which is both deep and simple. It clarifies the artificial structure and through the process of deconstruction, interaction, and innovation. Similarities between natural structures.



The result of the interaction between the environment and the tradition, while at the same time implanting new elements in the traditional elements, showing a new kind of beauty. The designer introduces "nature" into the space, and the space flows flexibly under the echo of sunlight and trees.



The light is projected from outside the window to the depths of the internal structure, illuminating the space together with the indoor light and shadow, flickering and dimming, tossing and turning leisurely, adding to the rhythm and level of the space in addition to exquisite fashion.



The color of the space is also dominated by earth colors, with orange accents locally, making the space present a low-luxury and fashionable style. The sunlight melting on the window conveys a unique elegance and warmth to people from time to time, removing the glitz and bustle of the city.



"Maritime Silk Road" is also called "Maritime Tea Road". Ningbo is the starting point of the tea road on the sea. It has always been a city with ideas, perseverance, soul, and carriers in the pursuit, discovery, excavation, inheritance, and development of tea culture.



项目地点 | 宁波 北仑

项目面积 | 626㎡

竣工时间 | 2021年7月

业主单位 | 禹洲集团

软装设计 | MOD穆德设计

项目摄影 | 彦铭摄影工作室





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