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25531 2018-12-14T17:51:45 21
设计师: 申俊偉

Project name项目名称:  Shanghai Joy City Kid's World上海大悅城之潮童天地

Architect'Firm设计公司:  ARIZON DESIGN乾正设计

Designer设计师SHEN JUNWEI申俊伟

Project location项目地址:Shanghai,上海

Completion Year完工时间: 2018

ProjectArea项目面积:  4200㎡

Clients客户:Shanghai Joy City上海大悅城(上海新兰房地产开发有限公司)

Photographs摄影:Dirk weiblen



The Kid’s World on the sixth floor of the South building in Shanghai Joy City is the spatial extension of this love-themed shopping mall. This area of entertainment and retailing is delicately designed for kids aging 3 to 10, which provides enriching, interesting and diversified experiences. It encourages the kids to indulge in their everlasting innocent imagination, and to follow their instincts, to explore the nature in their own way.


How to integrate the three-layer staggered structure of different heights on this floor is a challenge for the architect. Derived from the concept of Dandelion Hill, the whole space grows and flows naturally with the rhythm of the “contour lines”. Splendid colors shift between entertainment zone and retailing stores, where the communication between families takes place and kids are growing up. Through creating an interactive space, the design enlightens and inspires the kids, while encouraging their parents to come along with their exploration.



The architect is inspired by Dandelion Hill, imagining the form of hills when adopting the rhythm of “contouring lines” in an undulating geography. In this space of 4200 square meters, the retailing stores and public entertainment areas are merged into the circular moving stream of visitors.


The main scene is in the lift hall, the dandelion stems breaking through the soil and spreading. The “singing” stem art installation encourages the  kids to hear the nature simply with ear, paying close attention. As kids are opening eyes, enjoyable Flower Bud Book House and splendorous “Rainbow Forest” come to sight. The kids climb through the playful sliders with their body fully touching and feeling the movement, exploring tree houses in central plaza. In the end, they reach the shining “Fairy Masquerade”.


Like a palette being knocked over, the project brushes up to 200 colors in areas with different themes. Art installations and stores bump into and merge with each other, bringing livelihood and amusing expectations to the space.


The entire space is metaphorical for the process of life from budding, growing to maturity, encouraging the creative caprices and ideas to grow in kids, and leading them to explore the magic of nature. It is also an experimental innovation to insert recreational activities in retailing spaces.

 Encourage the kids to hear the inner voice of nature with simply ear

鼓励孩子们用耳朵去聆听大自然的声音 Encourage the kids to hear the inner voice of nature with simply ear

The dandelion stems breaking through the soil in lift hall.

电梯厅破土而出的蒲公英花茎. The dandelion stems breaking through the soil in lift hall.

Walking out of the elevator hall, As kids are opening eyes, enjoyable Flower Bud Book House。

走出电梯厅,映入眼帘的是富含童趣的花苞书屋。 Walking out of the elevator hall, As kids are opening eyes, enjoyable Flower Bud Book House。

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