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14186 2019-10-17T18:14:54 11 [精品]
设计师: 申俊偉

Project name项目名称: Yi Market 懿市集
Design Company设计公司:ARIZON DESIGN 乾正设计
Designer设计师: SHEN JUNWEI 申俊伟
Completion Year完工时间: 2019
Project location项目地址: Shanghai,上海
Project Area项目面积:12000㎡
Photography摄影:Dirk weiblen
Terra cotta brick, Stone, Terrazzo, Wood-Aluminum board, Stainless steel etc.

隐匿的地下森林— 懿市集
A Hidden Forestry Underworld - Yi Market
Fading into the plain sight of the social life is the highest level of practice for a recluse. The noisy and tempting urban life has made us into busy puppets.
Burdened with too many restrains, an exit to escape is the only desire…….
To live a life of recluse doesn’t only refer to wild nature of mountains and rivers. The higher practice is however, to enjoy the solitary lifestyle alongside the prosperity of the city……

About the project 关于该项目
Yi Market is located on the B1 floor of Orient Yide City. It acquires both solitary and prosperous characteristics, in that there’s no metro connected directly here, but also it is the core of a highly-condensed residential area.
How to introduce customers to this hidden, narrow-lane underworld and to attract them to linger for longer, was a big challenge facing the designer.
The inspiration comes from “The Hidden Forestry Underworld”, meaning the whole space is formed according to the pattern of falling spring from mountains and swaying umbrages of trees……The fresh gourmet that gathers in the Yi Market, are feathered under the flickering sunshine and shadow, as well as firmly stand on the earth and soil; People will enjoy the simple satisfaction from having fresh food in tranquility. The designer revives the inherited atmosphere that was in the gene of urban lifestyle, fulfilling the expectation to hide among the plain sight.

The uniqueness of the project 它的独特之处
The design is inspired by the concept of「The Hidden Forestry Underworld」. The designer composes light and shade through the intervals of the “Forest foliage”. About 12000 m² market space is feathered under the dazzling effect. Streets and lanes, plazas, stores and the giant escalatorat the entrance of the market are all covered in shimmering, of the turbulent flare of Forestry. The earth tone color, the concise geographical spacial composition, the unpretentiousness, is waking the urban habitants up from triviality to the ideal lifestyle - “Back to the Nature”.
When entering the atrium of Yi Market, we will encounter the “Fortitude Wall” on the side, which stands through the above- and under-ground, aligning with the 35-meter-height escalator, as if a magnificent scenery of rocks and crags. The halo of twilight penetrates the “rocks”, taking us traveling among the woods. The giant beams and columns grow freely in the towering space as if they are the ancient arbors, adding layers to the space. The intersected escalators and the transportation space formed by open structure of beams and columns become the stage for commercial activities. When you stroll along the Market Avenue, the sunshine is sprinkled sparsely from the ceiling grid, the world is in-between illusion and reality. Relying on a humble earth-tone brick wall background, the sizzling gourmets are already waiting for the wandering pedestrians at the end of the flagstone pavement. While having a nice meal and taking a rest at the “Arbor Umbrage Station”, you will drop into a moment of solitary satisfaction, aside from the prosperous and dreaming hallucination land.
The whole space symbolizes the original status of life, encouraging people to discover the beauty and charm embedded in the poetry tranquil face of life.

市集大街The Market Avenue

市集大街The Market Avenue

Entering the atrium of Yi Market, taking a stroll along the “Fortitude Wall”,The halo of twilight penetrated through “rocks”

进入懿市集的中庭,沿着“山林墙”缓缓而行,“岩石”中渗透出晨光般的光晕。 Entering the atrium of Yi Market, taking a stroll along the “Fortitude Wall”,The halo of twilight penetrated through “rocks”

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  • 申俊偉
  • 上海
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